The now classic subversion of the motivational poster has been around for so long that it's hard to tell when it started. That doesn't mean that it's gotten stale though, as this gallery perfectly illustrates.
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A weird gallery of those kinds of pics that simply can't fail but make you utterly baffled. It's pretty safe to say there's some truly strange people out there doing some crazy things. You probably live near some of them?
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Getting caught staring at a plunging neckline or curvaceous booty is one thing, but if someone manages to immortalise your indiscretion, you may end up being laughed at on the internets. The shame!
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Thats right, we would never joke about serious subject matter like this, it's the real deal. Honest! A rare chance to witness celebrities showing off their seldom seen beavers in all their glory! They all look SO cute!
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I hate to think of a chick in trouble & i'm always willing to cum to a maiden in distress, i would gladly lend a hand to handle this pert predicament for any of these cuties!
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Ah, for those wonderful days of college life, where you devoted all of your time to study and the pursuit of knowledge to further your young mind. There was very little time for anything else really. Or was that in another reality?
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They say timing is everything and in the case of these photos it couldn't be more accurate if you tried a thousand times. A collection of dramatic snapshots frozen at the perfect time.
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It's the ultimate partnership in the galaxy...far far away. A combination of the wise (but dirty-minded) Yoda from Star Wars and the unbridled humor of Tumblr. The force is stong with this one - "Said that she did!"
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Do you fancy a whole heap of gross, maybe some distended man guts? Yeah, me too. Well get your Me Gusta face on because it's time for 40 of the best. These are the most swollen, hairy abdominal abominations you are ever likely to see. Enjoy.
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A protest took place in the capital of Ukraine at the entrance of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs in Kiev, protesting against sexual harassment in colleges. An unusual way to get the message across sure, but it gets your attention.
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Ridley Scott's iconic sci-fi horror has been the bench mark of all scary alien based movies since it's release in 1979. If you're a fan and haven't seen these behind-the-scenes shots, you're in for a treat.
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