The now classic subversion of the motivational poster has been around for so long that it's hard to tell when it started. That doesn't mean that it's gotten stale though, as this gallery perfectly illustrates.
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The sun is out, college is not quite upon us yet & the world within your vision is full of cuties who are wearing a big smile & very little else, what more could you possibly desire to make your vacation dreams come true?
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There's nothing better than a party & plenty of beer to bring out the best in chicks, it's the perfect 'cock'tail - Personally i like to remain sober for as long as possible then help clear up the chick carnage that ensues.
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A protest took place in the capital of Ukraine at the entrance of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs in Kiev, protesting against sexual harassment in colleges. An unusual way to get the message across sure, but it gets your attention.
Comments: 4
The recent tornado strike in Joplin, Missouri proved how devastating nature's power can be when it hits a populated town in America. The sheer power of the wind is a force that, when experienced, will blow not just your mind away.
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Here is a superb solution when it comes down to trying to remember 'what' dead President belongs with 'what' bill denomination - Stick a celebrity on the note and you will be able to recite them with no trouble.
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Eric Cartman might not be a fan of the Titian look but if you're not dreaming of daywalkers by the end of this gallery then I'll eat my hat. And dye my hair red.
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It's what you get when you combine college girls full of hormones, no parents and LOTS of alchohol. This is one very good reason why you should study hard to get a university education gentlemen - Let's PARTY!!!
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The world is indeed a wonderful place. Behold the advantages of mixed-gender dorms opening up at a college near you. If you are lucky enough to be attending one of these then these are some famillar sights. Sigh.
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Some of these are really creepy and all are WTF? Makes you wonder how the heck someone could get some of these things inside them!
Comments: 137
End of finals sorority parties are guaranteed to have lots of booze, lots of girls in their underwear and lots of outrageous behaviour. Sounds like great fun, so where the hell is my invite?
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