Hyper-Realistic Paintings!
Believe it or not, these are all actually paintings. They are not photographs. Works by Roberto Bernardi, Eric Christensen, Steve Mills, Pedro Campos, Tom Martin, Jason Degraaf and Mark Goings.
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Welcome to the world of weird & weirder inflatables that should never have been filled with ai.A mixture of rubber against their skin & giant plastic body cavities, I don't know which is more perverted.
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It's one thing to take pictures of cute girls. It's another to take pictures of cute girls who are taking pictures! I wonder if the girls taking the pictures of the cute girls taking pictures are cute......Confused yet?
Comments: 460
Sometimes you go out & drink yourself into a tinsel strewn, bed-sh#tting, marker-ridden, man-hugging mess, & here are those results! If they want to put people off drinking they should show these to kindergarten kids to scare them senseless.
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You find the perfect girl and you feel as if your future is set for life, you gaze at her across the room and wouldn't change a thing about her......*wait! It's then you notice she has extremely hairy arms and your dream is shattered.
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Car Poolers is an absolutely amazing photo series by photographer Alejandro Cartagena who camped out on a freeway overpass in Mexico, taking photos of contraction workers sleeping in the back of trucks. He even caught the same van more than once.
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If you want to put something awesome in your mouth, look no further than this gallery. It's got a tantalisingly tempting selection of top tips and serving suggestions to make your supper more succulent.
Comments: 337
It's plain to see that the old saying "Dogs begin to look like their owners, and vice-verca' is actually true. Just subtle similarities that make them a perfect match for each other.
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If you didn't fancy sleeping tonight or for the rest of the week, then why not have a browse of these completely insane face swaps.
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Little known fact: All celebs are trained in the art of kissing air on both cheeks as a polite, normal greeting, so when one of their kind breaks protocol and does something different all kinds of awkward fail is sure to follow!
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It takes a great deal of thinking to come up with a great boat name, the best ideas are drawn from some sort of memory or life experience. The captains of these dirty and sexy vessels certainly came up with winners!
Comments: 2