Hyper-Realistic Paintings!
Believe it or not, these are all actually paintings. They are not photographs. Works by Roberto Bernardi, Eric Christensen, Steve Mills, Pedro Campos, Tom Martin, Jason Degraaf and Mark Goings.
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It's a part of life that everyone should embrace. When people are making out and someone takes a picture it's your duty to get in the back on that shot and pull a stupid face. If you don't you're letting society down.
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If Hasbro had thought to do this back in the day, they probably would have gotten a lot more boys into buying My Little Ponies! Actually, THANK GOD they didn't!
Comments: 589
Someone PLEASE get these girls a burger! There's thin & then there's WAFER thin! Sometimes a chickl's obsession with her figure can go just a little too far and result in a body so thin she'll snap in half if you look at her.
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As my dad used to say, "let sleeping girls lie", or was that dogs, who cares! There's something mesmerizing watching a cutie cuddle up & close her eyes - I LOVE the total vulnerability of a chick when she is fast asleep.
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Manshiet Nasser is a strange community in Cairo, Egypt. People call this place The City of Garbage because tons of trash come here from city. The most unusual thing about this place is that people actually live here.
Comments: 1,062
Taken with a fast enough shutter and a skilled photographer, a picture of someone getting water thrown at them can look as good as these. They might not be the most practical hats in the world but they're pretty damn cool looking!
Comments: 8
I'm not sure how many of these have accents or even how many have visited their ancestral homelands, but that doesn't matter because they are very cute. If they told me they were from Mars, that would be fine too.
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"To have a good time - gooood time!" - Who the hell wrote that, obviously a 40yr old virgin who had No idea what they were singing about and probably never will.
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It really is true what they say about 'What is seen can never be unseen!', because no matter how much someone tried to put any of these photos in context it wouldn't cahnge your formed opinion of 'WTF!?!'
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Just like the story of Snow White girls can't help looking at their reflection and wondering that eternal question. Nowadays though, they usually have a camera handy and upload to Facebook to get their friends to decide.
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