L3p D3sk
If you thought your gaming station was pretty badass, time to think again. This guy has gone XZibit on his shizz and made everything custom from scratch. A metal desk/pc case bolted to the wall with custom watercooling. Pimp.
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You meet a different class of female at conventions. It breaks the ice about conversation starters - you already know they are into the same thing you are. Genius.
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It's the most lethal combination known to any young teenager, the risks are just too high to take a chance. It might be uncool to drink and drive, but doing something as foolish as drinking with your buds is insane.
Comments: 6
And they do look pretty happy in those loving embraces, don't they? There's even some inter-species love going on in this, it just goes to show we can all live in peace and harmony.
Comments: 2
Someone PLEASE get these girls a burger! There's thin & then there's WAFER thin! Sometimes a chickl's obsession with her figure can go just a little too far and result in a body so thin she'll snap in half if you look at her.
Comments: 0
Every day when i wake up i praise the big dude above for inventing chicks, he is truly worthy of some kinda worship for such an awesome invention - Now if only they came equipped with a volume control he would definitely be a God!
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It's not a gallery dedicated to a compulsive truth distorter but something far more surreal. If you ever visit Tokyo you might catch a glimpse of this girl if you are lucky laying down the foundations of her very own art form. Weird.
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You can't keep a good girl down, especially when it's the weekend & they have been drinking copious amounts of alcohol - come to think of it, once they reach that state they cease to be 'nice' and become WILD CHILDS!
Comments: 0
A bunch of sweet-ass CGI concepts Some look familiar and plausable while others look like something straight out of an L. Ron Hubbard religion. Nice to see that even with budget cuts the NASA boys are still daring to dream.
Comments: 12
Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn - If you have a friend with OCD and want to troll them real good, you could do worse than to copy some of these pranks.
Comments: 0
Get ready for some self-inflicted portrait pretties, brought to you by both the joys of the digital camera & the sharing of information rapidly over the internets! In later life they may regret these pics being all over the web but, meh, who cares!
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