Cat Fight!
Super sexy hotties duke it out! I would love to go a few rounds in the ring with these babes! I wonder if they "go down" for the count?
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While nature tries to destroy us and man tries to kill his fellow man, it's good to know that beauty pageants still exist to balance things out. At least i have figured one thing from this, i'd rather be in Carolina than Idaho :)
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It's Monday again, so steady yourself for a weekly collection of pictorial pleasures. Another batch of the juiciest nuggets of internet gold mushed together and squeezed into a vaguely cohesive whole for your admiration.
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Who the hell is she, you may ask? Well she's a flipping hot Finnish starlet called Anna Falchi - Born waay back in 1972, she nevertheless looks amazing, with a body you'd be happy to find on a woman at least 15 years younger!
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It's an important event in any young persons life that they try their hardest to get into college and do their best with their parents hard-earned cash. Not to study, but to have fun. And of course drink LOTS of beer. Lots.
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No one reads anymore, not when we have endless cat videos at the click of a button, so librarians need ways to grab our attention and make us want to pick up a book—and this is a great way of doing just that.
Comments: 1,884
It brings a tear to the eye, don't it? But it's more like tears of laughter than tears of sympathy! It just makes me want to point like Nelson from The Simpsons and go "Ha ha!", or am I just being completely inhuman and mean...? Haha!
Comments: 24
What is it that makes certain female celebrities stick out from the crowd, they all seem to have something in common, but i just can't seem to put my finger on it is....I probably wouldn't be allowed to anyway.
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Lets face it, when you are a celeb you can pretty much get away with anything, even murder (OJ anyone?), it's only when you look at the paparazzi photos you really see what they have been getting up to!
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You know you have achieved advertising in it's purest form when copy is no longer necessary to promote the brand product that you are working on. There are some epic campaigns that words cannot describe.
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Winter's coming & it can be hard on these cold, dark winter days to try and remember what sunshine, sea and seriously cute girls in bikinis ever felt or looked like - Here is some inviting imagery to raise the temperature!
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