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Diablo Nerd Rage
It's hard to tell if this guy's rage is genuine or whether he is a CopperCab style self-mocking attention seeker. Either way he has an extremely valid point and makes it succinctly and with good grace.
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This is one you simply have to see to believe. A van obliterates a passenger car, sending a father and son flying across the street. Amazingly, they survive with no major injuries.
Comments: 134
Countdown has hit zero but the world is still here so it definitely wasn’t a countdown to armageddon BUT this is still weird as hell !!
Comments: 0
Meet Ms Shackleton. She creates her masterpieces using only her special patented Dribbly Paint Technique(tm). Brushes are for noobs, this chick does it all using bottle paints and the power of gravity.
Comments: 4
This is one tough lady - She gets hit with a baseball and doesn't even flinch and then carries on reporting. If she doesn't get a reporters award for this it's an outrage
Comments: 0
Want a free dog? All you need to do is travel to the north pole, find a bit of floating ice and nine times out of ten there will be a cute little puppy chillin' on it. Results may vary, terms and conditions apply.
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Is this what it is really like in Brazil? You just turn up to a TV show and just start dancing around in a bikini showing off your body, looks great and sounds waaay to good to be true!?
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Apparently childbirth is a wondrous thing to behold. One of nature's miracles. I'm sure it is, but I don't think I'd want to catch a glimpse of it while I was eating my spaghetti bolognese.
Comments: 4
That amazing gymnast last week did an incredible exercise ball stunt. This is not him. This dude has a very interesting 'alternative' technique!
Comments: 2
Prepare to relive a story you lernt in your childhood. It's the tortoise and the hare all over again, and, yup, the girl shaped like the tortoise managed to win. Silly rabbit.
Comments: 2
After more Lego themed games than you could shake a multitude of sticks at it's about damn time that they moved into creating feature length movies in the inimitable Lego style. Here's what that might look like.
Comments: 8