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Radiohead Cover - Creep
Carrie Manolakos covers a classic Radiohead tune. It's videos like this that make me wish more web flash players came with repeat buttons. Seriously, I could listen to this all day and not get bored.
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I hope this isn't what is referred to as 'dogging'? Is the scoring system 3 points for the dog between the posts? A plucky little dog manages to get on the pitch in the middle of an Australian rules football match.
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All we can say is when this babe want's to show some love, it comes through loud and clear. Mega-Babe!
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Rally driving looks like a lot of fun, but if you've never driven a course before it's probably wise to take it all a bit slowly and get to know all the turns and jumps. If you don't, you may become airborn like this dude...
Comments: 2
Robocop, the classic, is getting remade and re-released next month, but remember the original that predicted a future in which the justice system was run by corporations and Detroit was nearing collapse? Here it is spliced into a dance track.
Comments: 2
Probably the most awesome piece of fanmail ever penned. I'm not sure if this is written in pidgin engrish or if the guy writing it just has a case of terminal derpitis. Either way it's freaking hilarious.
Comments: 54
You can trust on Vine to come up with some gems here - You all know what to expect from this one so there isn't much point in me writing anything in here. Hopefully it'll inspire you to film some of your own.
Comments: 2
Most cats have an almost pathalogical aversion to all forms of liquid except maybe milk. In a bowl. This little furball however likes nothing more than a nice cooling bath on a hot summer day. What a champ.
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The Force is strong in this one. Choose his pants wisely, he must learn, or Jedi he will not become ! Even the Dark Side has standards it wont stoop below !
Comments: 3
Attempting a backflip on a tiny bike like this might sound safer than using a big boy bike, but that does't mean it's without danger, as this guy finds out. Bet he's glad he was wearing a helmet...
Comments: 2
If television in this country was as awesome as this I might bother watching it. Will it slowly slice in two, explode in a juicy cloud or resist the rubberbands like a fruity boss. Place your bets now!
Comments: 4