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Cobwebs - Cyriak
More animated awesomeness from B3ta's Cyriak as he shows off his talents on Showtime Shorts. Recoil in horror as he conjures circuit-board spiders and monsters made of meat from his limitless but warped imagination.
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I'm not great at math but I can tell the product of that equation will be AWESOMENESS. The stretchiness of a prophylactic versus the raw power of a mentos and coca cola explosion. Which will win? Place your bets now!
Comments: 1
Relationships would be a lot simpler if everybody was just honest with each other. They'd be a lot more brutal too, but at least everyone would know exactly where they stand and what's expected of them.
Comments: 1
This looks dangerous. I'm no demolitions expert but why is there a small child on the demolition squad? That might be why a 275ft smoke stack came down completely the wrong way - Foolish humans. Run! Run for your terrified lives!
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In case you’ve been in a drugged up stupor, a lot went on this last weekend news wise. And one of the tragic events that took place was the death of Amy Winehouse.
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Politics can be a difficult business, especially when you are trying to get approval for anything transport related. Simon Pegg’s character is having a tough time trying to explain a new train proposal to Amelia Bullmore.
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If you've got a face that makes grown men weep and babies cry then you could be ready for the Fuggie. It'll keep you toasty warm while preventing people from having to look at your tremendously ugly face.
Comments: 3
Tim Thomas can do the splits like a boss and save a goal in the process. In honour of Toronto going totally bat-sh#t crazy over a game that nobody else cares about here's a look at why hockey is cool.
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A watermelon gets obliterated against an Amazing Race contestant's face, at which point she must've wondered whether she'd ended up on The Big Bang theory by mistake.
Comments: 396
Mister Weebl obviously has far too much time on his hands. He's only gone and crafted an audio-visual treat for your senses as a way to pay homage to the earthly delights embodied in teeny tiny onions. Bloody weirdo.
Comments: 3
Queen Elizabeth II visited the set of Game of Thrones recently when she was on a tour of Ireland, meeting members of the cast and crew but being a total stick in the mud when it came to sitting on the Iron Throne. Boooo.
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