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Victoria's Secret 'Smalls'
Lais Ribeiro is her name and inspiring innumerable teenage hormone turmoil is her game. No granny bloomers here, just cute cotton panties worn by a woman who's pertness is enough to make a grown man cry.
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The Luigi Death Stare comes out from the confines of the new Mario Kart game and into the Anime Expo as Luigi rides around giving off some bad vibes while throwing a green shell at any one he passes.
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If you're a fan of Creed, set your ears to stun because this is probably some of the most outrageously experimental music you will ever hear. I wasn't sure whether or not I'd see them live, but after this i am certain.
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All about bike riders’ safety, so both motorists and cyclists should watch this and maybe, just maybe, everyone can all live together in peace and love and harmony. And rage. Lots of rage. LOL.
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Now this isn't something you see everyday, a horse skipping with the jockey swinging the rope. Mad Skills!!!!
Comments: 2
Just when you thought mother nature was as weird as she could be, she goes and makes one of the egg pods from Alien and puts a boob inside. This has to be the weirdest thing I've seen all week!
Comments: 2
If sticking electrodes into someone's brain in order to make them do your bidding while under general anesthetic is wrong then I don't want o be right. If it was me I wouldn't stop at web surfing...
Comments: 2
Apparently this is an advert for skateboards. Big round perky ones that you just wanna give a cheeky little slap. Sorry. Got sidetracked. Anyway, this is an advert for skateboards. "Bantum Rears". Or something like that.
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If you missed it, a bloke called Felix Bum Gardener fell out of a hot air balloon. It was pretty high at the time and it was all totes on purpose. The whole deal was paid for by a canned diabetes company that wishes to remain anonymous.
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This is the coolest RC plane I have ever seen! I am not sure what impresses me more the ridiculous speed or this guys ability to control it.
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Now this is taking a bit of summer time fun to the next level. Rope swing to 60 ft quadruple back flip into water. The amount of things that could go wrong here are countless. Mike Wilson proves that he is a god amongst lesser mortals!
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