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Breathy Bottle
Do you miss your girlfriend? Spending more and more time sulking while gazing mournfully out of a window? Sounds like it's time you ate a breath-mint & posted her a bottle of your minty fresh breath.
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A company called Reliable Crane Service raises their boom to the back of a house but as they try to lift a tree the entire truck crashes through this guys living room.
Comments: 1
Now here's a booty to get excited about, look at it. Surely a thing to marvel at, a thing of splendor, spectacular in its smoothness, like a peach just waiting for you to sink your teeth into. Om nom nom.
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The man is a freaking legend. If it's going to be an outtake anyway then he's damn well going to speak his mind. I could watch this all day. Someone needs to make a channel that just shows Brian Blessed outtakes. Glorious.
Comments: 1
The Association Of Finnish Lawyers put this commercial together that asks whether what this woman is doing constitutes harassment in the workplace. We pose the question to you. Is this harassment?
Comments: 2
Apparently, no one ever told this guy you're not supposed to cross the tracks when those red and white arms are down.. OMG
Comments: 2
Sweet air on that jump, bro! Not so sweet landing and brake failure into that tree, though. Maybe next time you'll remember to turn your brain on?
Comments: 1
Everyone hates bullying (well, except the bullies), but would you step in if you saw someone suffering? Turns out you probably wouldn’t, you gutless swine, as this video shows.
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An insight into how the terrifying raptors of Jurassic Park were brought to life. It's weird to see them go from something so basic to a full animatronic dinosaur suit. It'd make an awesome fancy dress costume...
Comments: 74
Had an Unforgettable Night recently? Björn Borg has teamed up with Vogue nightlife photographer Pablo Frisk and Berlin club legend Sven Marquardt , who share what makes their stories on what makes an unforgettable night.
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A super lucky skydiver doesn't see the thin silver power line ahead of him, slamming right into it. His chute was a little singed, but he didn't suffer serious injuries - OMG!
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