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Hugh Jackman Nutshot
Hugh Jackman is having a rough month. Starts off by busting up his eye on Oprah and now he takes a fastball to the nuts playing cricket.
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Winning a grand for a single half-court swoosh might sound pretty tricky, but this guy makes it look easy. So easy in fact that he cranks up the power and gets the wedged. Still gets the dough though. Like a boss.
Comments: 1
This is John Webster's entry for the last chance auditions for Canada's Got Talent. Apprently voting has now closed, but fingers crossed this guy has won his place. he's got some tidy bike skills.
Comments: 5
Here we have the archetypes of drinking, recounted in legend, painted on the caves of Europe in prehistoric times, etched in stone on the ancient granite of the Sierra Nevada!
Comments: 0
Nothing shows your girlfriend you're unafraid of commitment like spending all day corralling cockraoches into a heart-shaped candy box.
Comments: 7,044
People take personal fitness extremely seriously these days. Maybe a little too seriously. Not this lot though. It's hard to be serious while you're dropping a barbell on your throat or rolling around on a treadmill...
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Compared to the gruesome, bloody carnage of this epic Judo battle between these two little girls, UFC is a sport for complete sissies. Be careful watching it because it could kill you with cuteness.
Comments: 94
When the world runs out of cows, oh it will happen, then we'll have to drink breast milk. Ew, you say. Well in cheery old England those crazy Brits have already started making ice-cream with the stuff. The end must be nigh.
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What now, CoD? BF3 now has epic scale air battles, capture the flag, motorbike racing and even a drop ship that can deliver vehicles around the map. What does CoD have? Kill Streaks and ballistic knives. Pah.
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He takes the time to turn a Millenium Falcon toy into a fully functioning guitar but doesn't learn how to play the theme from the Mos Eisley cantina? WTF man, and you call yourself a fan!?
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After seeing this July 4th fireworks fail, the British were finally able to accept that letting go of America was in their best interests. Some things you just don't buy cheap because it probably means it might kill you.
Comments: 193