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Host Blows Turkey...Caller
She really knows how to work that thing! As far as on air faux pas go, this one is a doozy. Sticking something fairly phallic looking in your mouth while working it rhythmically with your hand is always going to raise an eyebrow.
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Poor Grandma's not going to make it much longer if they keep making her laugh like that. LOL
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Thanks to the cat's introduction of a force field, this is now the most one-sided fight since Ellin vs Tiger Woods (allegedly).
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One of the best compilations of fails, owns, falls, crashes, and just plain 'oops' moments. - LOL
Comments: 3
It's a case of, 'So near & yet SO far' - You have to ask yourself the question, why the hell did she even bother putting a bikini on if she wasn't going to get in the water? FAIL!
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A finance professor gets tired of the class clown annoying some chick and pegs him with an eraser from across the room. It's a fine working lesson in physics being taught here!
Comments: 14
If you live in Russia then you will be non-plussed. They drink SO much vodka that just sitting down and pounding it isn't good enough. They have to throw it into each others mouths to make it more interesting.
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Getting a tattoo when you're drunk is a really bad idea, but I think even in my drunkest of states I wouldn't be able to come up with tattoos as bad as these. However, i'm so glad these idiiots don't think like me. LOL
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Star wars fans come in all shapes and sizes, but this guy is definitely the weirdest. Perched atop a unicycle wearing a skirt and triumphantly playing the star wars theme tune on a set of bagpipes. Weird.
Comments: 3
Some office romances and flings might end up complicated but sometimes it's definitely worth it !
Comments: 5
How's that for a magic trick? In the blink of an eye this driver manages to turn a beautiful sports car into a heap of smouldering wreckage. Credit to the Car's manufacturers though, he manages to walk away from it which is a miracle.
Comments: 4