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Kids + Firecrackers = WIN!
I know, definitely not the best combination of elements on the planet, but the pay-off is pretty impressive. These kids nearly send a pot into orbit with this little firecracker.
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By now you've probably seen the "stuff girls say" videos floating around YouTube. This one takes the idea and inverts it. Put simply, here is a list of things you'll probably never hear any girl say. Ever.
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It's not often a contestant on a VH1 reality show gives us words to live by, but the Greek Mystique, Jonny, does just that. America, it's not how hard you can hit; it's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.
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I guess you have to try some things in life at least once? This guy's bucket list: 1) Do donuts in living room in a Shelby Cobra 2) Buy a large area rug. 3) Buy another large area rug.
Comments: 1
Michelle, Michelle, poor Michelle! I bet she never realized when she 'came' into the recording studio to sing a new jingle for Golden Kiss Mayo that it'd end so man-mayo-iciously.
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A remake of the insanely popular Gangnam Style music video, set in England's capital city. Black cabs, red london busses, traffic jams, looting and rioting. It's all in there. Pip pip. Jolly good.
Comments: 6
This Panda gets pissed off at a branch after it snaps and causes him to fall out of a tree. It's a definite case of tree-karma at it's best!
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Getting a tattoo when you're drunk is a really bad idea, but I think even in my drunkest of states I wouldn't be able to come up with tattoos as bad as these. However, i'm so glad these idiiots don't think like me. LOL
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If this goat was human it would be an emo. Or my little brother, just before i threatened to beat him up as a kid. He should learn to make a noise like a BOSS and get back to the real bleating.
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You might think that insults will just rolloff them like water off a duck's back, but some of them hurt. They cut deep. Except the ones about Bieber, he has no soul and as such he can't feel human emotions.
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Those Brits take their tea seriously. So seriously in fact that if you dare to make it incorrectly you are in danger of getting shot. Well, maybe not, but they will be bloody cross with you.
Comments: 8