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Epic Wheel of Fortune FAIL!
Proving, once again, that military and intelligence don't necessarily go together, each of these guys fails this puzzle miserably. 'Um... I'd like to catch the bad guy... Oshama Vin Llama?'
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If you've ever watched amateur pick-up videos you'll be aware of the painful awkwardness. This video is no exception. With lyrics memorised this guy creates some truly difficult-to-watch moments.
Comments: 6
If you start to feel queasy from the altitude then concentrate of the bottom of your screen and you will see some deliciously distracting cleavage. Kinda steps on the point of the video a little, but it amused me.
Comments: 140
Ironically, he'll never wood again..
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Sneaky Jimmy Kimmel tricked members of the public into thinking they were looking at the new iPhone 5, when they were just seeing the old 4S. But if they weren’t such dotards they’d know the 5 looks different to the old one.
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A parody of Justin Bieber and Sean Kingston's hit song Eenie Meenie. It may be a parody, but I find it a lot more entertaining than anything Justin has done.....Or will ever do!
Comments: 4
Boston Dynamics, the company that brought you a robot that looks like a dog and can't be kicked over have been hard at work on their latest invention; a robot that looks like a car and can jump over walls! Hurrah!
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The trust fall is a classic. It's also a classic gag to move out from behind someone as they fall backwards. This trust fall goes a little differently though. Proof that you should explain the concept before you practice it...
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This cat haz a sad. So much so that he's lying across the train tracks, just waiting for it all to end. Unfortunately for him the traintracks are smaller than he is and the train doesn't have the juice to end it all.
Comments: 6
What kinda of person has a stripper pole in the middle of their living room? If this is anything to go by, the kind of person who has a full storm trooper outfit hanging in their closet as well. Awesome stuff.
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This dude takes his girlfriend to the Venetian in Las Vegas for a romantic gondola ride but steps in then flips over the edge of the boat.
Comments: 4